About N30

Company Profile

The modern human lifestyle, including overeating, high cholesterol diet, smoking, exposure to particulates in the air we breathe--as well as aging itself--leads to major organ dysfunction. This commonly manifests as asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), and atherosclerosis. All represent major sources of human morbidity and mortality.

These diseases share a common intersection at cellular redox balance, smooth muscle dysfunction, and inflammation.

N30 Pharma targets this crucial intersection with a drug discovery and development platform. This platform focuses on perturbations of intracellular nitric oxide (NO) signaling, through nitrosothiols, the bioactive cellular store of nitric oxide. Endogenous NO and nitrosothiols are subject to powerful redox posttranslational modification in human health and disease.

N30 drug and discovery platform yields proprietary small molecules that modulate levels of physiologic NO and protein s-nitrosolation through a critical, emerging enzymatic pathway. These novel drug-candidates address major unmet needs in the pulmonary and cardiovascular commercial markets.

N30 has 27 people working in its Boulder, Colorado headquarters, as well as 14 in Shanghai. China.

N30 is a closely held, private company.